Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Caring Bridge Blog!


Something i read atleast 3 times a day is a blog on the caring bridge website. Caring bridge is a site that hospitals set up for frinds and family to check the progress of patients and write loving messages for them to read. My friend Brett Hansen-Begg got in a car accident on August 29th and is now in Hennepin County Medical Center. He is on his 21st day of a coma and has made remarkable progress! Today his glasgow score was 11 which means he's responding to exercises and verbal commands!! Reading the messages straight from the hospital and how upbeat they are help me get through each day with a smile on my face because i know Brett is going to be ok. His parents update the site with information on his progress several times daily and it's my favorite part of the day to go on and check for updates.


Koal said...

this is really touching!
I hope your friend gets better soon

grace said...

I LOVE BRETT! & YOU! mines about caringbridge too (: but very quality paragraph!

Maddie said...

Molly, i am really sorry to hear about your friend, but its nice that you posted this, i bet it will mean a lot to him.

Ryan said...

i've heard alot about him and i'm glad to hear he's doing better

Cori said...

i read his blog with and she explained what happened, i hope he gets better!

alex said...

): I'm so sorry to hear that. It's really good that he's doing better.